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This page is only designed for our clients and their referrals. If you are not yet a client, welcome. And
I would strongly suggest you click on our logo above to visit our home page, to solve your financial pain.
Most of us experience back pain at some time during our lives.
If this has happened to you,
or if you are simply seeking comfort and bliss,
a few minutes here may totally change how your body feels.
To briefly share my experience, 2 trips to the hospital
for a herniated disc,
a series of steroid injections,
many chiropractor and physical therapy visits.
And many other treatments including acupuncture,
laser, decompression table,
inversion (where you are hanging upside down in the air),
and others.
My back is not perfect today, but
I found a couple of things that helped.
Perhaps they will help you also.

There are a lot of vultures in search of your dollars,
that will be glad to take your money,
in the hope of making you feel better.
I am certainly not saying the back surgeons and many products and many types of treatments are worthless,
I am simply saying they can get expensive.
And some places sell "snake oil" products or treatment.
They know their product is not going to help,
but they know that many people's pain would have gotten better anyway, and they hope those will attribute their recovery to their product or treatment.
Personally, I bought 17 mattresses. That is not a typo. 17.
Some I was able to return for a refund, so lucky.
The mattress industry has an extremely high markup.
They have a very very profitable business.
Most mattresses are not expensive to make.
That is why, the companies (also meaning the stores),
that offer an unconditional refund,
do not offer that on the adjustable bases they sell.
(the type that raises your head or legs)
Most do not offer a refund, but put conditions on a return.
Such as you must buy their ridiculously overpriced mattress cover that you do not want, and that is not refundable.
Or a large service fee to return.
Or a free exchange to another mattress...
But why would you want one of their other mattresses, when you just got their best one, and it is not comfortable?
One company says "try it for at least 60 days, and if you are not satisfied, contact us for a full refund in the next 90 days."
But if you request a refund in the first 60 days, you have not tried it for 60 days, therefore not refundable.
For the companies that ship a mattress in a box to your home,
(a bed in a box is not bad, just some companies are)
The mattress has been vacuum packed, removing most of the air, so it expands dramatically when you open it.
One company offers a full refund, but it must be shipped back in the original box.
(impossible to do this without an expensive machine).
Some offer a full refund, but if it has a tiny stain from dragging it across the floor, or spilling some food on refund.
One company will give you a full refund if you pay the shipping back to them. But since it will not fit in the box, you have to pay UPS 'oversized box' rates, which are astronomical.
I'm not saying they are a bunch of decide.
I do not have hobbies,
so I spend some time with this.
Because this is not my primary business
(that is on the home page)
if you make a purchase, I may be able to save you some $.
Some manufacturers require their products to be sold at a certain price.
In those situations I cannot save you any money, but you get my advice.

So if this is what you feel like when dealing with back pain,
or if you are simply looking for relaxation,
I have some free advice...
and some suggestions that will cost you.

1. Buy a new mattress that will support your back.
2. Stop sleeping on your side or stomach.
3. Buy an adjustable base for that mattress
(the type that raises your head or legs).
4. Stretch.
5. Buy a zero-gravity recliner.
Notice that I did NOT say a recliner.
They are not the same.
The zero-gravity recliner will cost a lot more.
It will be much more adjustable that an adjustable mattress base.
Not only will it help to decompress and relax your back,
and relieve your pain,
But when someone with a perfect back sits in it,
they will said AAAhhhh, as they close their eyes in relaxation.
And when you tell them to get out of it,
they will act like they are asleep and cannot hear you.
(that is if you ever let anyone else sit in it)
This page consists of personal experiences and opinions, and is not meant to be medical advice.
Medical advice will never be provided.

So, give me a call.
I may charge you a consulting fee, or I may not, depending upon my mood.
If I do, and you think it was not worth it, no problem.
I am not saying that I will refund your fee, but you only pay afterward,
and only if you think my time was worth it.
Oh, you can buy mattresses and zero-gravity recliners from me.
From one of the largest mattress manufacturers in the United States.
And from one of the top zero-gravity recliner companies.
Call me and feel better.
Leonard Slates 816-587-3333 or use the 'contact us' page.
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